
Friday, January 13, 2012

Prayer Notebook

We all know in our head the value of prayer, but we don't often allow that to reach our heart! In this I truly struggle.  It's hard when you barely get a minute alone to find time to spend in prayer.  It's also hard when you stay connected to so many people on Facebook who constantly need prayer, to keep up with all the prayer needs.  I find myself praying for things that come to my mind but somehow forgetting the needs that are most important!  Recently a lady that I respect very much shared with me her prayer schedule and prayer book.  It is so simple that I feel silly to have not implemented it before now.  Several of you have asked me to share it and I thought this would be the best way to get it to everyone. 
Simply purchase a small 3 ring note book, 2 packages of tabbed pages (10 tabs total), and a pack of paper to put in it.  Now choose your 10 categories.  Designate each section for one category you want to pray for.  Put paper into each section. 7 of the 10 categories will get divided over the 7 days of the week.  The other 3 will be things that you pray for every single day.  Make this schedule out and put it in your notebook.  Now write requests for each category.  Each day you will pray for your 3 daily requests plus 1 from your weekly requests.  As you grow, you can add more categories and you may even have 2 daily categories that you pray for. 

Now, ideally it would be wonderful to pray for 1 hour each day.  That is what we should strive for, but for me it is difficult so I am challenging myself to 30 minutes a day.  And because I don't have 30 min. of quiet a day, I am going to do 10 minute segments 3 times a day and then increase as I go. 

Having the extra paper in the notebook allows me to write down details of the request or even journal.  When I am asked on FB for a request I usually pray write at that moment, and now if it is a long term request I can add it to my notebook.  Also, keep in mind that Satan will do everything he can in this prayer time to distract you with other thoughts.  To avoid this, keep a piece of paper and pen handy so that if you find your mind wandering during prayer of thinking on other things, simply jot them down so that you don't have to worry about it till later.  If you don't write it down, you will continue to fret over it the whole prayer time.

I think of prayer as like a covering over our lives and the lives of those we know and love.  Just like our earth is covered with a protective ozone layer.  When we are not praying as we should, that covering gets "holes" in it!  Prayer really does change things! I'm sorry if I bored you with this simplicity, but it has helped me to be organized!