
Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Grace!

No one ever wants to wait for anything, especially a child that you desire to have so much.  I couldn’t understand why so much time passed without God fulfilling our desire for a child.  Didn’t God know that I had a timetable? Didn’t He know that I was going to teach my last year of school then have a baby in June, just in time for the summer? Nothing we planned was happening and each negative pregnancy test brought sorrow.  For 18 mo. I prayed for a sweet baby and finally decided to see a doctor.  The problem we ran into was the cost of testing and our lack of insurance at that time. Jeremy insisted that we leave it with the Lord and that we stop fretting and that we do not do any testing.  Wouldn’t you believe how God worked for us, because just a few weeks later, we found out we were expecting! Things were smooth until a routine screening showed the possibility for Down Syndrome which sent us to a specialist for specialized appointments and testing, all which came out negative.  So on this night 7 years ago, we went to the hospital because I was in labor and on June 9th 2005, at 4:29pm our sweet little Grace came into this world.  She has been exactly what her name is to us, God’s grace given to us in the form of a sweet girl.  She is our deep thinker, our Bible scholar, our compassionate nurse, and our tender girl! I wouldn’t change a moment of our life with her! She brings such joy to our family!

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