
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Armed Christians

I am the opposite of athletic, completely uncoordinated when it comes to sports, yet when our church joined a church volleyball league when I was a teenager, there I was signed up to participate.  Our coach was a former college volleyball player and she was gifted in the sport.  I faithfully went to practices and did my best, but I simply couldn't even serve the ball over the net.  I remember one occasion where I made a stupid, prideful mistake.  Our coach was so trained and talented that she could dive for the ball without the need for knee pads.  She explained that once you learned the proper way to dive, you wouldn't injure yourself.  Oh, sure, my bright mind figured I could participate in the game without knee pads until I made that first dive onto the cold concrete gym floor and thought I'd lose both my knees.  Consequently, we made a trip to the store the next day to purchase a pair of knee pads.
The day I accepted Christ as my Savior, I signed up for the "team".  The good thing about God's team was that it doesn't matter how much or how little talent a person has, everyone qualifies for the team.  However justification does not protect us from the attacks of Satan.  I believe a lot of Christians "join the team" but never "buy the knee pads".   After we are justified by Christ, we must consciously and daily put on each piece of the armor of God.  Salvation is not the only protection we need from Satanic attack.  I hear so many Christians taking a beating from demonic attack and they feel helpless and defeated.  Ephesians 6:1-18 teaches that we must daily put on God's armor.

The belt of Truth:  This was worn every single day, whether in battle or not.  We must every day start with what is truth.  We are bombarded daily by the lies of Satan. He plants his lies in our minds, in the media, in everything around us.  If we daily stay in God's Word then we keep the Truth close to us and we can decipher the difference.

The breastplate of Righteousness:  This was metal scaled armor to protect the upper body.  There will always be fiery darts aimed at those who are followers of Jesus and we must use Christ's Righteousness as protection.  If I were writing this to a child, I would tell them that they must be careful to do the right thing so that no one can accuse them of wrong, or if they have integrity and live their life striving to do the right thing then false accusation can not harm them.

The shoes that are prepared for the Gospel of Peace:  These sandals were worn all the time, whether battling or not.  Daily preparation for the attacks of Satan are needed to walk the Christian walk.  Also notice that it is the Gospel of peace.  The Gospel is one of peace that brings peace to the heart of the Christians.

The shield of Faith:  This shield was a full body shield that was made of wood and then soaked in water before battle so that the fiery darts would be extinguished when they hit the shield.  Faith (the shield) and water (prayer) protect us from fear and doubt.  This is a crucial piece of the armor for us to put on each day.

The helmet of Salvation:  This is a picture of the believers knowledge of the Word of God and the knowledge they have that Christ is the victor in this spiritual battle.  We have hope, no matter the trial, because we know that Jesus wins!

The sword of the Spirit:  This is the only offensive weapon, so far they have all been defensive.  The Word of God is what we use to fight Satanic attack.  This is why Scripture memorization is so valuable.

Are you injured in your Christian walk by Satanic attack? Maybe it's because you haven't fully and daily armed yourself with the armor that God has provided for each of His children.  God does not leave us defenseless and helpless. 

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