
Monday, August 22, 2011


Do you stay exhausted? Do you ever feel like the leader of a country (i.e. your life/home) who has many borders? You run as fast and as hard as you can to solve a problem or handle a situation on the North border when suddenly you hear word from a messenger (usually one of your kids) that there is a crisis on the South border.  You spend all day everyday running to repair, clean-up, tighten-up, and protect your borders when you really just want to go to the capitol city and take a nap!  
Matthew 11:28-30 is a famous passage that we often hear or read but never apply!  2 oxen are connected by a yoke then hitched to the plow.  Jesus compels those who are weary to come and be "yoked" with HIM.  His yoke is lighter than the yoke of this world.  Often we choose to go at it all alone and so technically we are pulling the whole plow by ourselves! We need to be "connected" to our Savior who will give us rest.  I have found that in the midst of my greatest burdens, I find peace and rest when I am reading my Bible or spending time in prayer.  It's like pressing the "refresh" button on my day.  Most busy, burdened people think they don't have time to stop and spend time with the Lord but in fact they don't have time NOT too!  Try it! Try resting in the presence of the Savior! I guarantee the first time God speaks to you from His Word, you will be charged up like the energizer bunny!

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