
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Second Best Part 1

I want God's best for my life. I want His best for my children. I want to live in His perfect will and not outside of it.  I don't want SECOND best, or anything beyond that for that matter.  Unfortunately, we as Christians find ourselves derailed and off the BEST path that God had planned for us and instead we settle for something good, something that just o.k. Are you tired of second best? Maybe you have found yourself far from God's best and you aren't quite sure how you got there.  Did you know that the nation of Israel had this very same problem? They settled for second best when they refused to wait for God to give them David as King, and they demanded Saul be their King.  Fortunately, they left us a trail. In the passages in this account in the book of first Samuel, we see the trail that led them away from God's best for them.  We are left with a choice; learn from the trail they left and stay on God's best path for our lives, or make the same mistakes they did. This will be a 6 part blog series that I hope you will stick with me for each step.  Each step we look at will be a crucial mistake that Israel made on their path away from God's best and we will learn from their mistakes so that we can stay on course to God's BEST in our lives. 
--> It was not that God had not planned for His people to be ruled by a king; it was not that He didn’t love His people with His life; it was all about His timing and His plan.  He had all of these details worked out for their future (See 1 Sam. 2:10) only they could not wait for it, they needed it now and they got exactly what they asked for.  God made allowance for them and stepped aside as they ushered in the rule of the monarchy, unfortunately it was only God’s second best, not His first choice.

-->Step one: My gaze becomes vertical instead of horizontal
(1 Samuel 8:1-9)
Distractions that pull our gaze away:

a.     Disappointments and Hurts- 8:1-4
What a bigger disappointment than to  have   your own children make bad choices? Samuel was in that very position.  Looking back at Eli and his sons, Hophni and Phineas (2:22), Eli shared in the blame for the spiritual state of his sons.  He knew of their sin and even participated in it at times, and therefore he bore the responsibility for the rebellion of his sons.  However, in this passage 8:2, it doesn’t say that Samuel was a partaker in the sins of his sons. In fact it says they were NOT like their father.  They made bad choices in spite of what they had been taught.  Can you imagine the disappointment that Samuel felt? The hurt? Because of these disappointments Israel demanded a “new” way to be led.  

They allowed these hurts to pull down their gaze; off of the Lord and onto man.  Can Satan use our own children to cause us to choose second best in life? Can Satan use our closest friends to get our eyes of Christ? Can he use our spouse? The answer is a resounding YES!  If we all could say we have a “panic” button that when pressed we become paralyzed in service for Christ, then that “panic” button would certainly be the hurts and disappointments of those closest to us.  Does it shake your faith when someone you love walks away from it? When your pastor falls into sin? Why does that shake our faith? Is it possible that our faith is not focused on the only one who NEVER disappoints, Jesus Christ?  Don’t allow your disappointments, your hurts to pull your gaze off of the Jesus.

b.     Jealousy and Envy – 8:5
These two ugly monsters are so destructive.  It’s interesting the Jealousy and Envy can pull down your gaze as well as they can be the result of taking our eyes off Jesus. Israel saw the others around them and they wanted what the other nations had.  It’s the “pasture is greener on the other side” mentality.  Unfortunately when we allow Jealousy and Envy to infiltrate our hearts, we always take our eyes off Jesus and choose second best.  When you feel the root of Jealousy growing inside of you, confess it immediately! Ask God to give you strength to keep looking up! Confess it to a mentor if you continue to struggle with it and ask them to be your accountability partner.  Jealousy left unchecked and allowed to grow WILL destroy you!  It will lead you down a path that is not God’s best for you!

The nation of Israel allowed hurts, disappointments, jealousy, and envy to lead them to second best.  The antidote for this is simple: Keep your eyes on Jesus! Even if someone hurts you? Even if your closest loved ones disappoint you? Even if your pastor lets you down? YES! Do not allow anything, and I mean anything to pull your focus off of Jesus because as surely as you do, you will start settling for second best. Stay tuned for step 2 to second best and how we can conquer it!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! Looking foward to the steps ahead! Thank you for sharing
