
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pearls of Blessing: Lessons from an ordinary task

As some of you may have caught on by now, I have picked up some cleaning responsibilities at church to help out.  Our facilities are quite large and it takes quite a crew to keep them in excellent condition.  I have learned more lessons in my few months of cleaning than any other time.  There is something cool about cleaning the house of God while talking with God as you clean. 

Today was particularly significant to me because I was cleaning up AFTER our Easter Sunday services. And you can imagine how the bathrooms would look after being used by almost 1,500 people in 3 services.   I was engrossed in my cleaning of the ladies bathroom, when I notice there seemed to be little (costume) pearls everywhere.  There were a few behind some of the toilets, some near the trashcan, some near the sink, and as I picked up pearls, I kept finding more.  I began walking back and forth to the trash getting rid of the handful I had and then returning to my cleaning only to find more hiding somewhere.  It started to become really funny, but I was alone so I just laughed to myself!

After a few minutes of this I gathered a few in my hand and then as if I heard Him, I felt God speaking to me.  Cleaning this bathroom was like one of the trials I have been in, it's unpleasant and difficult.  Those pearls were like God's rich blessing, they were scattered all throughout my trial and hidden in places I never thought of!  Sometimes God Gives us the gift of a trial and sometimes he leaves us in it.  Sometimes it feels like He has left us in it longer than we would like :) But in His trial He gives us His richest blessings, like little pearls of wisdom!  He blesses us in times and places that surprises us!

James 5:11 "We give great honor to those who endure under suffering. For instance, you know about Job, a man of great endurance. You can see how the Lord was kind to him at the end, for the Lord is full of tenderness and mercy. "  I could chose NOT to clean that bathroom, but then I would have missed the pearls.  We could chose NOT to trust God in our trial, but then we would miss His blessing!