
Saturday, November 12, 2011


This week I had some surgery that has caused me to "rest".  People that know me know that I hate to "rest"! I thrive on being busy and going going going! But it has been good to slow down and let my body heal.  I was reading in Joshua today and the word "rest" stood out to me in Joshua 1:13-15.  The Israelites had spent 40+ years wandering and battling.  They had finally reached their Promised Land and here God has promised them REST!  Our culture revolves around being busy.  Has there ever been a time in our modern history that we could be vacationing on the beach and still check our work e-mail or get a text from our Facebook account?  We are connected at every point, in every pocket, in both hands, and we are always busy! When we get away, we are never really "away".  God planned for his people to REST.  He even rested Himself (Gen. 2:2) even though we know the God does not get "tired".  If God commands us to rest on the Sabbath, then rest becomes essential to worship.  I'm not advocating we vacation excessively but I do think every believer should make rest a part of their week.  Don't feel guilty for resting, even God Himself rested!  Use the time to worship, meditate, and recharge.    

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