
Friday, December 30, 2011

Resolutions and Revelations

It's that time again!  Time for us to decide what our yearly resolution or resolutions will be.  Some will decide to give up something.  Many will join a gym.  Sadly, most resolutions will only last till February or March.  I will be the first to confess to making a resolution on Jan. 1 only to break it on Jan. 2.  Most of the resolutions we make every year are self-focused and self-pleasing.  Many of them have nothing to do with seeking God first.  What if this year we all resolved to pray more, or to spend more time studying God's Word, or to get plugged in and serve in church?  What if our resolutions this year was focused on building God's Kingdom and not our Kingdom?  I challenge myself as well as anyone reading this to resolve this year to making an impact for eternity.  (James 4:14)

That being said, I would like to offer another thought.  Many of you know I am so fascinated with the life of Samuel.  He began serving in the temple at a very very young age (possibly as young as 3).  He spent his whole life in service to his Lord.  His life was in stark contrast to the two boys (Hophni and Phineas) who were supposed to inherit the priesthood but instead they repeatedly and blatantly disobeyed God.  God eventually took the lives of those two boys because of their sin and He put His hand of blessing on Samuel in their place.  Samuel, as a young boy was audibly called by God, Himself.  This young 10 or 12 year old boy heard the awesome voice of God in time when "the Word of the Lord was very rare"! 

Have you ever been standing in front of something so obvious yet you don't see it? Well that is how I have been this week.  I kept looking at this boy Samuel and what God did through him and it struck me, like a puzzle finally fitting together, that many if not most of the great leaders and great people of faith mentioned in Scripture,  were first introduced to us in their childhood or adolescence!!!!! What profoundly simple fact that I stood in front of, like a giant puzzle on a wall, was that people who minister with and to children have HUGE significance and INFLUENCE for God's Kingdom.  What if Hannah, Samuel's mother, had said, "no Lord, I'm to busy to train little Samuel?" Oh the impact Samuel's teacher, trainer, molder, had on Israel and for that matter on HISTORY!

Let me leave you with that this thought? Maybe it's your turn to impact God's Kingdom in a tangible way by serving in a children's ministry or in a nursery?  I know those that know me are thinking "well this is an obvious post from a children's director" :), but I don't think it's just because of my bias! I think it's God's pattern! Consider this? Could your resolution this year be to step in and influence the life of a child by serving in your church's children's ministry?  And if you already serve in that capacity, be encouraged because you are touching eternity! 

1 comment:

  1. Hands raised in praise for this 'ah ha' moment!! The great leaders of Gods Word were greatly influenced and effected, in early childhood. Consistent and faithful guidance from loving adults, prepares the hearts of the next, great leaders! Thank you to those adults who were faithful to serve in the children's ministry that impacted me. Thank you to the workers who are serving now. You ARE effecting the Eternal Kingdom!! To those who are not yet serving, ask the Lord if He would have you to join us as we prepare to see great things take place in the lives of our children and ministry workers!! I promise, YOU will be blessed!
