
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Lately I've been doing a lot of cleaning in a lot of places.  The one thing I especially notice when I clean at the church is that it's the fragrant "clean" smell that alerts people to what I've been doing.  The fresh smell of pine or citrus floats throughout the building and everyone that passes by says, "oh everything is so clean"!  In fact it's nearly impossible to clean without creating that wonderful fresh smell that comes from all the cleaning products I use. 

Today as I was cleaning and people kept noticing that wonderful smell, I couldn't help but think about Psalms 51:1-4.  David wrote this prayer shortly after his terrible sin with Bathsheba.  He was doing some "Spring cleaning" of his heart, and what I couldn't help but wonder is if other people noticed?!  If my life is "clean" before the Lord then I should be fragrant to Him and to others!  People should notice! I should be pleasing to His nostrils! The opposite would then also be true.  If I have sin in my life, then I would be a terrible stench to God and to others.  Just like a bag of trash that I found today that had been left in a closet containing a dirty diaper! That bag left a stench all throughout the room and almost made me have to leave it! I want to be fragrant to my Savior! I want to be fragrant to others!  What about you? Do you have the "scent of sin" that lingers every where you go? Or do you leave a sweet fresh smell in the nostrils of others?  Remember you can't by any brand of "Febreeze" that truly covers the stench of sin! Only confession before the Lord can truly make us clean!

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