
Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Dad, My Pastor

 There are 2 things that really stand out to me about my Dad. First, I always knew that he loved me no matter what and that there was nothing I could do to change that, and second, he was genuine.  I rested in knowing that even if the bottom fell out of my life, I could still come to him, much like the safety net on a trapeze circus act.  Those gymnasts twist, flip, fly, and even make mistakes, but they know if they slip, there is a net to catch them.  That's an amazing gift of security to give a child.

I also had the unique privilege of riding in the "back seat" of my parent's ministry.  I got to learn things just from watching them that seminaries and schools don't teach. What stuck in my mind as a child was that my dad was real with this Christianity stuff.  He gave his whole life for the service of our Savior.  He was more than flexible, he was fluid.  I watched him give and bend as he ministered to others and yet he always did it in love and never regretted a minute of it. There are many moments of a pastors life that people don't see, moments when they weep over a wayward or hurting member.  What I saw was a mom and dad who loved each member and attender of our church as though they were our blood relatives.  I truly believe that I am enjoying the blessings of my Dad's labor of love.  It is a wonderful thing to have a godly father and it is equally as wonderful to be married to a godly husband.  Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Rebekah. You're my forever sweetheart. I love you! --Dad
