
Monday, August 29, 2011

What's on top of that mountain?

Overwhelmed with what lies ahead, we often retreat, quit or move forward in our OWN strength.  Faith is a difficult thing because it means that you have to go against what might come naturally or you might have to step into uncharted waters.  Movement towards faith can be scarey, especially for people like me who are "planners"! This is where I have found myself, faced with a decision to step out in faith or stay comfortable with where we are.  God has been burdening me about a ministry in our church that reaches out to children with special needs.  So few churches have ministries like this.  If we believe what Scripture says, then we need to obey Mark 9:37.  The first argument that we all battle with is: "how can we begin a ministry that needs so many workers, when we are sometimes short staffed in the other areas of children's ministry?"  Here is where the FAITH comes in! If God calls, then He will provide.  AMAZINGLY the very day that I wrestled with letting go of these "fears" I turned to my study and it was in Genesis 22:1-15!  God told Abraham to take his only son Isaac up to the mountain and offer him as a sacrifice.  Yes, you heard that right! God told Abraham to KILL his only son! Wow! Abraham started up that mountain in faith that "God would provide a lamb" v. 8.  He followed up that path without knowing how God would provide but knowing that He would! So in faith our children's ministry steps out.  We don't know exactly what God is going to do on that mountain.  We just know that it is our job to climb and see what He has in store.  Have you ever taken any steps of faith? Real faith? Steps that are scarey but can only be ordered by the Lord?  There are things that God gives, that God shows, that God does on the top of the mountain but so many are too fearful to take the journey! 

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