
Saturday, October 8, 2011


Our church is currently hosting our annual missions celebration.  Last Sunday, I heard someone ask what giving to missions through "Faith Giving" has meant to me.  My first thought was that it didn't matter what it meant to me or to our family, we give simply out of obedience.  Why should it "mean something to me"?  God is not a department store! We do not give to the Lord in order to get something! We give because this money we have is His to begin with! He has blessed us with a job and a paycheck and He can take that away at any time. 

After that initial thought, a passage of Scripture began to come to my mind: Haggai 1:3-11.  At that time the Israelites cared more about their own houses and their own comfort than the Lord's house. The Phrase used in the NKJV says that they "dwell in their paneled houses" while God's house lies in ruins.  I guess that really hit me where it hurt.  I sit and look at all the "panels" in my house and then think of all the missionaries serving so faithfully who sacrifice so much to reach the lost.  I recently had the privilidge of seeing into the heart of a dear missionary wife and mother. Her words have rung in my heart day after day.  We asked her what she would want children in America to know about their lives as missionaries.  This is a portion of her response.

"I guess the most important thing that kids can know about overseas missions is sacrifice. Many American kids know nothing of that word. I being one formally, know that life was pretty easy there in the US. We are brought up with a feeling of entitlement to the finest things in life and instant gratification. We are taught that waiting is wrong.. that is why we have microwaves and drive thru windows, etc.
When a person is thrown in the middle of a 3rd world country, it is an incredible sacrifice. Of course of material things, there is no more instant satisfaction. Things here take LONG. Even wanting a certain food is no longer a simple trip to Wal-Mart, but now I have to wait 6 months for a shipment box to come. Modern conveniences are a world away.
Then, of course there is the sacrifice of family and normalcy. Everyone and everything you once knew and loved and held as normal is gone. Every word that once flowed from your lips is now transformed into another language, which requires deep thought before you speak.
I am not complaining, because I love this life and through time have not only adjusted to the life here, but have embraced it and became part of it. But, it's still incredible hard at times, because my American brain is still in tact and the daily sacrifices do take their toll on me. The people think different, act different and the work load is incredible...this is in the middle of tropical heat. It wears you down physically, emotionally and mentally.
I would love for American kids to be taught about the meaning of sacrifice, because it really isn't a normal part of life there. Sadly, even in some churches...people even serve the Lord conveniently, as it fits into THEIR schedule. Americans are taught to never be uncomfortable. So, it would be nice to have those kids learning a whole different way of life which is a daily sacrifice.
It would be a huge blessing to have a group praying specifically, for not just the financial needs ( which most people pray for) but the daily problems that arise which attack us more than the budget we missionaries are on. Ask them and teach them to pray for our minds as well as our bodies as we have to overcome daily the struggles of being far away.  I would cherish every little prayer they offered that would help our family's emotional, mental and spiritual well being.
I appreciate you wanting to do this. I wish more kid's groups would. I want them to not have a feeling of pity on missionaries because we are "poor" and work with brown skinned people in huts, etc. I want them to see that we have a high calling, but we need their prayers because everyday, Satan wants to discourage us and make us give up."

After reading this, I am moved to do something and since right now God has not called me to leave the US, I can GIVE through Faith Giving to further the Gospel! I don't ever want to be "comfortable" in my "paneled" house while God's house needs to be built!

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