
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Backpack of Burdens!!!!!

Galatians 6:2 and Matthew 11:28
Occasionally our family enjoys hiking.  Back in the spring we would go with our two kids on some easy trails and catch bugs and enjoy nature.  We would often use my phone to calculate how many calories we had burned on our hike so we could have a piece of cake later:) Several times, my husband Jeremy, would carry our 2 year old on his back in a special hiking backpack.  Whenever Jeremy hiked with that pack on his back, he would have burned considerably more calories than I had.  I almost wanted to carry the extra weight so that my hike would be more effective towards my exercise goal. 

As a pastor's wife, mother, ministry leader and friend, I cross paths with so many burdened and hurting people.  Let's face it, our world is NOT getting better!  Today, I especially feel extra burdened with friends who are hurting, people who are making wrong choices, with an enormous task list, and the list goes on.  With this heavy weight on me, I kept asking God the same question, "how can these burdens be blessings?"  As I was cleaning a toilet at the church today (I do my best talking with God while I clean), I remembered our hiking trips and how much stronger and healthier Jeremy was becoming because he carried extra weight.  Sure it was hard while he did it and it was heavy and uncomfortable on the journey, but at the end he had used more muscles and had built much more stamina than I had!  Why can't our burdens be blessings!!!!????? They cause us to exercise the "muscles" of our faith and they build our stamina in our Christian walk.  They also give us better insight to others who are hurting so that we can love and help them in their time of burden.  Next time you feel heavy with your burdens or the burdens of others, imagine yourself on this "Christian hike" we call life and you are just getting "fit" much faster than everyone else!

1 comment:

  1. I like the comparison about physical strength and spiritual strength. How we handle burdens can show how weak or strong we are in our faith. Spiritual exercise is just as much a pursuit as physical exercise; but the results of our spiritual exercise often outlast our own physical bodies.
