
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Sometimes we feel like we spend our whole lives waiting! We wait to finally be a teenager.  We wait to get our driver's license.  We wait to graduate high school.  We wait to get out of college.  We wait to get married.  We wait to have a family.  We wait, we wait, we wait!  I think we often are guilty of living only for the "big events" in life and we miss the day to day.  Joseph in Gen. 40:23-41:1 had to spend 2 years waiting for what he had been promised by the cup-bearer and those 2 years of waiting were spent in PRISON!  I know I often think that my "waiting" is difficult but I can't imagine having to spend those days in a prison.  I wonder in those two years if Joseph got angry, discouraged, or depressed? The Bible doesn't give us Joseph's thoughts or actions during that 2 years, it only gives us 1 verse stating that he waited 2 years.  However, Scripture does give us one small insight into Joseph's character during this waiting period.  In Gen. 41:14-16 when Joseph is finally called up to the Pharaoh's presence to interpret the dreams, Joseph gives all the power and credit to the LORD! Joseph makes sure that Pharaoh knows that the interpretation of these dreams did NOT come from him but from God, the same God that had made Joseph wait in a dark lonely prison for 2 years.  Oh the character that Joseph had.  There is no doubt in my mind that while Joseph was waiting for God to deliver him, he was spending time in fellowship with God and was trusting God to bring him through.  What are you waiting for?  What is it that you are praying for God to deliver you from?  What's next on that life list of events that you have to wait for?  Be encouraged! While you are waiting remember God has big plans for you!  Be faithful to Him in the waiting and give Him the glory when it's over! In chapter 39 of Genesis "God was with Joseph" is used 8 times.  The same God that was with Joseph is the same God that is with you!

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