
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Be Encouraged and Keep Perspective!

When I was a little girl I remember one Fall evening when Dad was absent as mom, my brother and I carved our annual pumpkins.  As I began to complain about Dad being gone, mom reminded me that I needed to be thankful that my Dad was actually coming home later that night.  You see, he was with a family who had just lost their Dad and the children were about our age......perspective.

I have battled some difficulties with my eyes over the last 7 years and a few times during those years they have been a source of depression for me. One such time was a number of years ago when they were particularly bad and my vision was altered until they got better.  I remember feeling depressed and sorry for myself when the Lord brought to mind a dear mother and wife who was dying from a terrible disease.  I remember being struck with the thought of how she would probably give anything to trade me "problems" just to have more years with her family.......perspective.

Currently, I find myself complaining about my husband's dirty socks, or my loads of housework, when I am reminded of my dear friend whose husband is living with terminal cancer.......perspective.

I think many times we all get so focused on our own problems that we forget about others who suffer and many who suffer much greater trials.  My grandmother used to tell me that when I felt discouraged, I should do something kind for someone else in need.  She was very wise! She was helping me get my eyes of myself and every time I tried it, it worked!  We are never alone in our suffering.  There are so many others who experience the same trials and even some who suffer greater trials than we do.  2 Corinthians 4:8-10  Even if no one can identify with our trials then we know that Jesus Christ still can!  Be encouraged and keep perspective!!!!!


  1. Excellent post, Rebekah. I was just praying today, asking God to help me see the needs of others and to stop thinking so much about me.

    Oh, and in your defense, I'm sure Jeremy's socks are REALLY dirty. Haha.

  2. Thank you. Your post is beautiful. This is similar to a discussion I heard about women writing down their main problems on a slip of paper and throwing them into a hat. When the hat was passed, the women were to draw out a piece of paper and read it. The concensus was, that everyone wanted their own troubles back instead of assuming responsibility for the new "much worse" problem. That analogy reminds me to keep perspective also!
    I guess that is why you made me dinner!! I love you!
