
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Even If...... Part 1

Last week we learned the steps downward to second best and we saw how to avoid this course away from God’s best.  Yet in these passages, Israel still chooses 2nd best.  So what now? What does God do with 2nd best Christians? Is it too late? Let’s just say for a moment that you have found yourself living a 2nd best life.  Let’s say that you checked into the 2nd best motel and you really aren’t sure how you got there.  Maybe it happened so fast you didn’t realize it, or maybe it seemed normal until you read these articles.  Maybe seeing the truths of Scripture in Israel’s choices illuminated your own life choices and you see it wasn’t what God really had planned for you.  So let’s look at these texts to see what truths we can learn from Israel’s period of life lived in 2nd best.  Even if we’ve chosen second best, even if we made poor choices, even if we have veered off the path………

Truth 1: God still sees YOU!

1 Sam. 10:17-21
A closer look at these verses show us specific ways God sees us:
1.     He sees you personally- 1 Sam. 10:21
God brought out each tribe, each family until He reached the individual.  Do you feel like you’ve failed in the choices you’ve made? Have you chosen 2nd best? Even if you have, God still sees YOU.  He knows YOU.  Making wrong choices does not render us invisible to God.  Saul was God’s second choice for Israel and yet He still saw Him personally. God still knew His name.
2.     He sees you privately- 1 Sam. 10:22-23 
       When they called for Saul, he was nowhere to be found so they asked the Lord where they might find him.  God knew exactly where Saul was even though he was hiding.  I’m sure Saul felt safe that no one knew where he was but even in hiding, God saw him.  What I’ve noticed about 2nd best Christians whether they are there by choice or by accident, they usually decide that what their doing isn’t seen by God anyway so it no longer matters.  May I encourage you that if you have found yourself entrenched in 2nd best then start obeying right where you are! Start serving in the little things even though they seem hidden. I can assure that God DOES see them and He DOES know!

Truth 2: God still helps YOU!

1 Sam. 11
Now Israel is under attack from the Ammonites and they are in grave danger. And even though Israel had chosen 2nd best God still helped them!

1.     God gives you his presence – 1 Sam. 11:6
Even “Second best Saul” was filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered to do His work.  If you have found yourself on 2nd Best Street, God has NOT left you! He will still fill you!

2.     God gives you his power – 1 Sam. 11:11
This battle could not have been won without the Lord’s power.  2nd best doesn’t equal powerless.  

Please join me again tomorrow for part 2 of "Even if"! 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Second Best part 6

Thank you for sticking with me to the end, however as I was preparing for this week's Bible study, God led me to the sequel to the "Second Best" series.  I'm hoping to get those up soon, so be on the look out for the series entitled "Even if".
In this final step downward towards second best and away from God's perfect will, we see Saul who has been anointed privately as King and he has been given 3 signs that will come to him as he leaves that will show him that all of this is real.  His final sign is where step 6 to second best is found.

Step six: Change is only temporary
(1 Samuel 10:9-16)
God gave Saul a new heart and gave him the gift of the Holy Spirit even though he was 2nd best.  Before we go any further, let me stop here and point out that God can still use anything to bring Him glory, even if it’s second best.  God still cared for Saul, God still used Saul; it just wasn't what He intended as His best plan for Israel.   This change in Saul was only temporary because when he got home, he didn’t tell his uncle about everything that had happened, and we have no record of whether he went to meet Samuel like Samuel had asked him (I Sam. 10:8).  
Often when believers head down this path to second best, they experience change but it doesn’t last.  God’s best for us, God’s first choice for His people is a heart that is forever changed by presence of the Almighty God.  Who was God’s best choice for Israel? David. What is he called in Scriptures? A man after God’s own heart.  David had a life that was truly changed by God.  His change wasn't temporary, it was lasting!
We can look at these 6 steps and that walk downward towards 2nd best, and we can trust that the opposite to these steps would also be true and we can climb back upward towards His perfect will for our lives.

Step 6: The living God can change us and it allows that change to stick.

Step 5: We can walk by faith and drive out fear with God’s Word.

Step 4: We can be real and genuine to others and to ourselves.  Transparency and keeping a short list of wrongs is vital.

Step 3: We can nourish a relationship with the living God and look not on the appearance of men.

Step 2: We can be faithful in church attendance, to Bible study both at alone and in our groups, and we can seek and listen to those that are our mentors.

Step 1: Finally, we can keep our eyes on Jesus alone no matter the circumstances that pull at our gaze.

In closing let us consider these truths evident in this passage.
Even though Israel chose 2nd best:
1.     God was still present.
2.     God still heard them.
3.     God still loved them.
4.     God still used them.
5.     God still ultimately called them back to His first choice, back to His best.  

May God give us strength to climb back up to His best! 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Second Best Part 4

Thank you for being patient and hanging on for each of step of this 6 step journey. I hope that you will stay with me to the end and see the big picture that God reveals to us! If you are just now joining us, I invite you to go back and read "Second Best parts 1-3".  They can all be found at:!blogposts/mainPage.  To quickly recap, Israel made choices that led them off of God's path headed for His very best only to find themselves comfortable with second best.  Each of the previous 3 steps downward built on each other.  Each one naturally led to the next.  Think of it this way; if I am driving my car on a straight road and I let go of the steering wheel and allow the car to be in control, what happens? 9 times out of 10 my car will begin to veer to one side of the road and if left out of control it will eventually crash.  However, if I take the wheel again and physically adjust it in the right direction, the car will return to the road it was supposed to be on.  With each of these steps (I take my gaze of Jesus, I ignore the warning signs and don't heed the advice of the wise, My appearance and the appearance of others becomes the priority) the Nation of Israel veered farther and farther from God's perfect will for them.  Today we will discuss their actions evident in step 4 and step 5.

Step four: Dishonesty is ordinary to myself and to others
(1 Samuel 9:15-27)
Why is it that Saul told Samuel that he was from an insignificant family when in fact he was from a very wealthy and well-known family?  Why begin his relationship with Samuel with dishonesty?  I believe that Saul’s dishonesty is a reflection of his “religious” heart.  Saul wasn't against the things of God, but he did not have a relationship with Him. Saul thought nothing of  "casual dishonesty".  He blurred the lines of truth without any thought to it.  When we live a life where the lines between truth and lies are blurred we are destined for God’s second best.  This is so evident in our culture.  Where is truth today? Truth has become relative and subjective leaving many believers today in a path of second best.  For example, when Science and Scripture appear to disagree, we mold Scripture to fit science instead of re-examining Science to find it's flaws. Isn't God the author of science anyway? Why would He contradict Himself? Christian families don’t teach the absolute truths to their children and what we end up with is a generation of saved men and women who are happy with 2nd best.  How can we have God's best in our lives if we do not acknowledge the absolute truths of God's Words?  We must choose God's best by being real and genuine with ourselves and to others.  We must also be unashamed of the Truth's in God's Word.  We must consume them and then live them out in our lives.  If we can say Satan is the "father of lies" then we can also say that God is the "author of truth".  If only Israel had taken the wheel and adjusted their lives to again line up with God's path. 

Step five: Faith is weak/Fear Controls
(1 Samuel 10:1-8)
I have found in my Christian life that great faith leads to great triumphs.  In this passage Saul left Samuel and was given 3 signs that would prove to him that God had chosen him to be the king. Can you imagine the fear and uncertainty that Saul would have had? He had been caring for his father’s cattle and did not have any connections with the things of God and now he was going to be the first king of God’s people?  Many times when we are on a path for second best, we need signs from God, just like Saul did, because our faith is weak and we are controlled by fear.  Let me stop here and say that I'm not saying that God does not use specific events, etc. to move us or stop us, it is when we refuse to act in faith because we are controlled by our fear.  When we choose second best, we don’t do the hard things, the big things, and the impossible things because we lack the faith in God to carry us through them.  2nd best Christians usually avoid things that require faith and trust and when it becomes unavoidable for them because of their circumstances, they begin again seeking God’s best for their lives.  Remember that "God does not give us the spirit of fear".  Fear comes from Satan and we must walk by faith driving out fear with Word of God.  

Have you picked up on the reoccurring theme in this entire series? Time spent in God's Word! It is the foundation to God's best in our lives! I don't know any Christian who neglected His Word that ended up with God's best in their lives.  Daily nourish your soul by reading your Bible and spending time talking to Him in prayer.  

I hope you will be back for the final step in Second best and the final truths that wrap up all of these passages. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Link to Second Best Part 3

Follow this link to Part 3 in it's NEW home on my web page!second-best-part-3/ceb5

Friday, July 12, 2013

Second Best: Part 2

Welcome back for part 2 of "Second Best".  If you read part one then you know that God had a plan for Israel to be ruled by a Monarchy but they didn't want to wait on His best, David, and instead they demanded AND settled for God's second best, Saul.  Have you ever seen in movies a scene where people are on a mountainous trail headed to a destination and they left some sort of marker every few feet so that those behind them might find the way? Well, Israel is on a similar journey in these passages only they are on a path that leads AWAY from God's perfect plan, God's first choice, and instead they are headed to 2nd best.  We are uniquely blessed to have these markings given to us in Scripture as warnings and IF we choose to learn from them, we can avoid the downward path away from God's perfect plan for our lives. 
In part 1 the first and most crucial step was keeping our eyes on Jesus. No matter the disappointments of those around us, no matter the hurts, no matter the jealously, we must not lose focus of Christ! But what if? What if you did lose that focus? Israel did and they DEMANDED a king and they demanded him NOW. So Samuel took their request to God and God told him to allow it, only warn them first of the consequences of getting what they asked for, the consequences of second best.  Here is the marking they left for us, found in 1 Samuel 8:10-22. 

Step two: Ignore any warning signs and don’t heed the advice of the wise
This passage for a long time puzzled me because I was always under the impression that if I was walking along God’s path and making choices within His will and then made a choice against His will that my new path became His will.  I thought that somehow it would all be ok in the long run, that He would change His mind and give me His best anyway.  But from this passage we see that God allowed the Israelites to have what they wanted even though it was NOT His perfect will. 
The new path they were on was NOT His best for them but it was the path they chose in spite of His warnings.  They ignored the words of God through his messenger Samuel.  How many of us have sat and listened to the words of God through His messengers, our pastors, our Bible study leaders, our wise mentors, and yet we still choose wrong or worse completely ignore the warnings?
Can you see the steps downward to second best? First a believer gets hurt or disappointed by someone close to him or her, a pastor, a teacher, or even another church member.  Then, they stop attending church altogether where God’s word is being taught and in doing so they empty their life of godly advice.  Like the plug in a drain that is pulled, so their lives are drained of the input of godly wisdom.  Don’t we all know someone who is caught in this cycle? Haven’t we also been on these steps downward?  Can these believers live a life that appears happy? Yes, but is it truly God’s best for them? No. 
Do you want God's best for your life? For the lives of your children? Then don't ignore the godly counsel of your mentors, your parents, your pastors, your teachers.  Don't let your gaze be pulled off of Jesus and then turn away from the council of God's messengers. 

I have had the opportunity to "audit" the real-life ministry of my parents for 20+ years (better education than a seminary degree;) then I've served in my own ministry for more than 13 years now and do you know what pattern I see? Hold on now, buckle your seat belt lol I see believers, who have MIGHTY potential to be used for God and something happens.  They are hurt, disappointed, blindsided, or they even make a poor choice and it derails them in the blink of an eye. Now, am I making light of hurts and disappointments? Not at all, I understand, believe me I understand! It's in this derailment that their gaze takes a horizontal angle.  The next thing that happens is they stop attending church, any church, or they cut off those who speak the truth of God's Word.  This is the same pattern that Israel found them self in and they were not receiving God's best. 
Friends, keep your eyes on Jesus and faithfully stay in church, in your Bible study (both personal and collective)! Don't settle for 2nd best! Don't let your kids settle for second best in their life! Stay tuned for part 3 of 6, because step 3 is a doozie!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Second Best Part 1

I want God's best for my life. I want His best for my children. I want to live in His perfect will and not outside of it.  I don't want SECOND best, or anything beyond that for that matter.  Unfortunately, we as Christians find ourselves derailed and off the BEST path that God had planned for us and instead we settle for something good, something that just o.k. Are you tired of second best? Maybe you have found yourself far from God's best and you aren't quite sure how you got there.  Did you know that the nation of Israel had this very same problem? They settled for second best when they refused to wait for God to give them David as King, and they demanded Saul be their King.  Fortunately, they left us a trail. In the passages in this account in the book of first Samuel, we see the trail that led them away from God's best for them.  We are left with a choice; learn from the trail they left and stay on God's best path for our lives, or make the same mistakes they did. This will be a 6 part blog series that I hope you will stick with me for each step.  Each step we look at will be a crucial mistake that Israel made on their path away from God's best and we will learn from their mistakes so that we can stay on course to God's BEST in our lives. 
--> It was not that God had not planned for His people to be ruled by a king; it was not that He didn’t love His people with His life; it was all about His timing and His plan.  He had all of these details worked out for their future (See 1 Sam. 2:10) only they could not wait for it, they needed it now and they got exactly what they asked for.  God made allowance for them and stepped aside as they ushered in the rule of the monarchy, unfortunately it was only God’s second best, not His first choice.

-->Step one: My gaze becomes vertical instead of horizontal
(1 Samuel 8:1-9)
Distractions that pull our gaze away:

a.     Disappointments and Hurts- 8:1-4
What a bigger disappointment than to  have   your own children make bad choices? Samuel was in that very position.  Looking back at Eli and his sons, Hophni and Phineas (2:22), Eli shared in the blame for the spiritual state of his sons.  He knew of their sin and even participated in it at times, and therefore he bore the responsibility for the rebellion of his sons.  However, in this passage 8:2, it doesn’t say that Samuel was a partaker in the sins of his sons. In fact it says they were NOT like their father.  They made bad choices in spite of what they had been taught.  Can you imagine the disappointment that Samuel felt? The hurt? Because of these disappointments Israel demanded a “new” way to be led.  

They allowed these hurts to pull down their gaze; off of the Lord and onto man.  Can Satan use our own children to cause us to choose second best in life? Can Satan use our closest friends to get our eyes of Christ? Can he use our spouse? The answer is a resounding YES!  If we all could say we have a “panic” button that when pressed we become paralyzed in service for Christ, then that “panic” button would certainly be the hurts and disappointments of those closest to us.  Does it shake your faith when someone you love walks away from it? When your pastor falls into sin? Why does that shake our faith? Is it possible that our faith is not focused on the only one who NEVER disappoints, Jesus Christ?  Don’t allow your disappointments, your hurts to pull your gaze off of the Jesus.

b.     Jealousy and Envy – 8:5
These two ugly monsters are so destructive.  It’s interesting the Jealousy and Envy can pull down your gaze as well as they can be the result of taking our eyes off Jesus. Israel saw the others around them and they wanted what the other nations had.  It’s the “pasture is greener on the other side” mentality.  Unfortunately when we allow Jealousy and Envy to infiltrate our hearts, we always take our eyes off Jesus and choose second best.  When you feel the root of Jealousy growing inside of you, confess it immediately! Ask God to give you strength to keep looking up! Confess it to a mentor if you continue to struggle with it and ask them to be your accountability partner.  Jealousy left unchecked and allowed to grow WILL destroy you!  It will lead you down a path that is not God’s best for you!

The nation of Israel allowed hurts, disappointments, jealousy, and envy to lead them to second best.  The antidote for this is simple: Keep your eyes on Jesus! Even if someone hurts you? Even if your closest loved ones disappoint you? Even if your pastor lets you down? YES! Do not allow anything, and I mean anything to pull your focus off of Jesus because as surely as you do, you will start settling for second best. Stay tuned for step 2 to second best and how we can conquer it!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fuel for the Journey: Doing the opposite of the usual Christian "code"

Let's face it folks, the Christian life can be hard.  To be really honest, all of life can be hard.  For sake of illustration I'd like to compare it to a road trip across a rough terrain.  The day we accept Christ we start at point "A" and we are supposed to finish our journey with the words "well done, though good and faithful servant." Unfortunately many of us get weary on the journey and somewhere along the trip we get "derailed" or we simply run out of fuel and decide to just set up camp somewhere along the road.  It goes something like this: I'm serving the Lord and headed down this Christian life and all is going well. Then something difficult arises: a trial, an illness, a heartbreak, you name it.  At this point we do what we "think" we are supposed to do as believers.  We "pull over" long enough to catch our breath and then we decide we are going to Trust God! After all, isn't this the "Christian Code"? Trust God, then Believe that He has a plan, then after you've completed those 2 things then you are rewarded with Experiencing God.  This sounds all well and good, but what nobody tells you is it's really hard.  The "fuel" that drives us forward is actually the final step in this process, Experiencing God.  So only those who have incredible stamina make it to the Experiencing God phase which fuels them to keep on.  What's wrong with this, is that the vast majority of believers can't get through step one and two and so they give up.  It's so hard for them that they just decide to be content with where they are and forget about moving forward.  To make matters worse, the "elite few" who make it to the final step then turn back to judge and or motivate the rest to push through.  Those left behind look at the few that made it through as unattainable or impossible to reach.  This creates a huge gap between Christians and each side ends up judging the other and finding fault in the ones on the other side. 
Well, in my study of Samuel, I stumbled on a really profound truth that I think could end this cycle.  I have been studying the actions of Hannah, Samuel's mother.  She suffered much anguish because she wanted a child and could not have one.  Then, when God gave her a son, she then turned around and gave him back to the work of the Lord when he was just a small child.  Right after she has given away her precious little boy, who she prayed for for so long, the Bible records a song that she sang to the Lord.  Here was Hannah, on her Christian journey, who just faced something very hard and the first thing she does is:
Experience God (1 Samuel 2:1-5) 
Hannah's FIRST action is to experience the Joy of the Lord.  She smiled as she faced her enemies.  She felt that amazing elation of being in the presence of the Almighty God and she gave all glory back to God for that joy.
Ok, hold the mustard, you mean that Hannah did first what we tell Christians they should do last in their trial? YEP
Because Hannah first experienced God, she then was "fueled" for her journey and NOW she could
Believe God (1 Samuel 2:3-5)
I know what you are thinking, this is really backwards. Is it? Or is it really the right way all along, and we turned it all around? Hannah, after experiencing the Joy of the Lord, now believed that He would set all things right.  She believed that God would keep His promises to her and bless her for her faithfulness.  So, now that she had experienced God, and believed God for her trial, she was at the place to trust Him. 
Trust God (1 Samuel 2:6-11)
Hannah now trusted in the strength of God to sustain her, to set all things right.  Hannah would need the strength of the Lord in order to give her firstborn and much loved son to the priesthood.
Because we as Christians get this process backwards, we run out of fuel before we ever experience God and therefore we fall short and exhausted.  We end up as Christians who NEVER have that amazing joy of the Lord because we stop trying.  Hannah had the right strategy.  She FIRST experienced the presence of God which fueled her journey through believing Him and then finally to trusting Him. Trusting God isn't easy, especially if you have never experienced Him. Maybe our problem isn't that we have a bunch of lazy Christians and a bunch of arrogant elite Christians.  Maybe the real problem is we have been doing this thing backwards all along?

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dressed for Death, Left for Life

Have you ever considered the importance of the grave clothes that Jesus left behind in the tomb? Consider another time when someone rose from the dead.  John 11:43-44 gives us a clear word picture of the appearance of Lazarus after Jesus called him out of the tomb.  He was still wrapped in his grave clothes and needed to be loosed from them.  Now picture the scene of Jesus' Resurrection. John 20:4-8 paints a very different word picture than the scene of Lazarus.  In this tomb we see the grave clothes lying empty and the grave napkin folded neatly.  Why would Lazarus still be in his grave clothes and yet Jesus left his? The answer is simple and yet profound.  One day Lazarus would need those grave clothes again, but Jesus Christ would NEVER again need burial clothes.  He was alive and still is alive today! He left the cloths marked with the stench of death behind as he conquered it for us! Why also would Jesus fold the napkin on his face? For me, and for you! That was his evidence, his irrefutable proof that he in fact was not stolen, but instead RISEN.  As investigators seek for proof for their cases, we as Christians have that proof in a simple folded napkin.  Praise God we serve a living Savior who conquered death once for all time!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Armed Christians

I am the opposite of athletic, completely uncoordinated when it comes to sports, yet when our church joined a church volleyball league when I was a teenager, there I was signed up to participate.  Our coach was a former college volleyball player and she was gifted in the sport.  I faithfully went to practices and did my best, but I simply couldn't even serve the ball over the net.  I remember one occasion where I made a stupid, prideful mistake.  Our coach was so trained and talented that she could dive for the ball without the need for knee pads.  She explained that once you learned the proper way to dive, you wouldn't injure yourself.  Oh, sure, my bright mind figured I could participate in the game without knee pads until I made that first dive onto the cold concrete gym floor and thought I'd lose both my knees.  Consequently, we made a trip to the store the next day to purchase a pair of knee pads.
The day I accepted Christ as my Savior, I signed up for the "team".  The good thing about God's team was that it doesn't matter how much or how little talent a person has, everyone qualifies for the team.  However justification does not protect us from the attacks of Satan.  I believe a lot of Christians "join the team" but never "buy the knee pads".   After we are justified by Christ, we must consciously and daily put on each piece of the armor of God.  Salvation is not the only protection we need from Satanic attack.  I hear so many Christians taking a beating from demonic attack and they feel helpless and defeated.  Ephesians 6:1-18 teaches that we must daily put on God's armor.

The belt of Truth:  This was worn every single day, whether in battle or not.  We must every day start with what is truth.  We are bombarded daily by the lies of Satan. He plants his lies in our minds, in the media, in everything around us.  If we daily stay in God's Word then we keep the Truth close to us and we can decipher the difference.

The breastplate of Righteousness:  This was metal scaled armor to protect the upper body.  There will always be fiery darts aimed at those who are followers of Jesus and we must use Christ's Righteousness as protection.  If I were writing this to a child, I would tell them that they must be careful to do the right thing so that no one can accuse them of wrong, or if they have integrity and live their life striving to do the right thing then false accusation can not harm them.

The shoes that are prepared for the Gospel of Peace:  These sandals were worn all the time, whether battling or not.  Daily preparation for the attacks of Satan are needed to walk the Christian walk.  Also notice that it is the Gospel of peace.  The Gospel is one of peace that brings peace to the heart of the Christians.

The shield of Faith:  This shield was a full body shield that was made of wood and then soaked in water before battle so that the fiery darts would be extinguished when they hit the shield.  Faith (the shield) and water (prayer) protect us from fear and doubt.  This is a crucial piece of the armor for us to put on each day.

The helmet of Salvation:  This is a picture of the believers knowledge of the Word of God and the knowledge they have that Christ is the victor in this spiritual battle.  We have hope, no matter the trial, because we know that Jesus wins!

The sword of the Spirit:  This is the only offensive weapon, so far they have all been defensive.  The Word of God is what we use to fight Satanic attack.  This is why Scripture memorization is so valuable.

Are you injured in your Christian walk by Satanic attack? Maybe it's because you haven't fully and daily armed yourself with the armor that God has provided for each of His children.  God does not leave us defenseless and helpless.