
Monday, July 15, 2013

Second Best Part 4

Thank you for being patient and hanging on for each of step of this 6 step journey. I hope that you will stay with me to the end and see the big picture that God reveals to us! If you are just now joining us, I invite you to go back and read "Second Best parts 1-3".  They can all be found at:!blogposts/mainPage.  To quickly recap, Israel made choices that led them off of God's path headed for His very best only to find themselves comfortable with second best.  Each of the previous 3 steps downward built on each other.  Each one naturally led to the next.  Think of it this way; if I am driving my car on a straight road and I let go of the steering wheel and allow the car to be in control, what happens? 9 times out of 10 my car will begin to veer to one side of the road and if left out of control it will eventually crash.  However, if I take the wheel again and physically adjust it in the right direction, the car will return to the road it was supposed to be on.  With each of these steps (I take my gaze of Jesus, I ignore the warning signs and don't heed the advice of the wise, My appearance and the appearance of others becomes the priority) the Nation of Israel veered farther and farther from God's perfect will for them.  Today we will discuss their actions evident in step 4 and step 5.

Step four: Dishonesty is ordinary to myself and to others
(1 Samuel 9:15-27)
Why is it that Saul told Samuel that he was from an insignificant family when in fact he was from a very wealthy and well-known family?  Why begin his relationship with Samuel with dishonesty?  I believe that Saul’s dishonesty is a reflection of his “religious” heart.  Saul wasn't against the things of God, but he did not have a relationship with Him. Saul thought nothing of  "casual dishonesty".  He blurred the lines of truth without any thought to it.  When we live a life where the lines between truth and lies are blurred we are destined for God’s second best.  This is so evident in our culture.  Where is truth today? Truth has become relative and subjective leaving many believers today in a path of second best.  For example, when Science and Scripture appear to disagree, we mold Scripture to fit science instead of re-examining Science to find it's flaws. Isn't God the author of science anyway? Why would He contradict Himself? Christian families don’t teach the absolute truths to their children and what we end up with is a generation of saved men and women who are happy with 2nd best.  How can we have God's best in our lives if we do not acknowledge the absolute truths of God's Words?  We must choose God's best by being real and genuine with ourselves and to others.  We must also be unashamed of the Truth's in God's Word.  We must consume them and then live them out in our lives.  If we can say Satan is the "father of lies" then we can also say that God is the "author of truth".  If only Israel had taken the wheel and adjusted their lives to again line up with God's path. 

Step five: Faith is weak/Fear Controls
(1 Samuel 10:1-8)
I have found in my Christian life that great faith leads to great triumphs.  In this passage Saul left Samuel and was given 3 signs that would prove to him that God had chosen him to be the king. Can you imagine the fear and uncertainty that Saul would have had? He had been caring for his father’s cattle and did not have any connections with the things of God and now he was going to be the first king of God’s people?  Many times when we are on a path for second best, we need signs from God, just like Saul did, because our faith is weak and we are controlled by fear.  Let me stop here and say that I'm not saying that God does not use specific events, etc. to move us or stop us, it is when we refuse to act in faith because we are controlled by our fear.  When we choose second best, we don’t do the hard things, the big things, and the impossible things because we lack the faith in God to carry us through them.  2nd best Christians usually avoid things that require faith and trust and when it becomes unavoidable for them because of their circumstances, they begin again seeking God’s best for their lives.  Remember that "God does not give us the spirit of fear".  Fear comes from Satan and we must walk by faith driving out fear with Word of God.  

Have you picked up on the reoccurring theme in this entire series? Time spent in God's Word! It is the foundation to God's best in our lives! I don't know any Christian who neglected His Word that ended up with God's best in their lives.  Daily nourish your soul by reading your Bible and spending time talking to Him in prayer.  

I hope you will be back for the final step in Second best and the final truths that wrap up all of these passages. 

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