
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Even If...... Part 1

Last week we learned the steps downward to second best and we saw how to avoid this course away from God’s best.  Yet in these passages, Israel still chooses 2nd best.  So what now? What does God do with 2nd best Christians? Is it too late? Let’s just say for a moment that you have found yourself living a 2nd best life.  Let’s say that you checked into the 2nd best motel and you really aren’t sure how you got there.  Maybe it happened so fast you didn’t realize it, or maybe it seemed normal until you read these articles.  Maybe seeing the truths of Scripture in Israel’s choices illuminated your own life choices and you see it wasn’t what God really had planned for you.  So let’s look at these texts to see what truths we can learn from Israel’s period of life lived in 2nd best.  Even if we’ve chosen second best, even if we made poor choices, even if we have veered off the path………

Truth 1: God still sees YOU!

1 Sam. 10:17-21
A closer look at these verses show us specific ways God sees us:
1.     He sees you personally- 1 Sam. 10:21
God brought out each tribe, each family until He reached the individual.  Do you feel like you’ve failed in the choices you’ve made? Have you chosen 2nd best? Even if you have, God still sees YOU.  He knows YOU.  Making wrong choices does not render us invisible to God.  Saul was God’s second choice for Israel and yet He still saw Him personally. God still knew His name.
2.     He sees you privately- 1 Sam. 10:22-23 
       When they called for Saul, he was nowhere to be found so they asked the Lord where they might find him.  God knew exactly where Saul was even though he was hiding.  I’m sure Saul felt safe that no one knew where he was but even in hiding, God saw him.  What I’ve noticed about 2nd best Christians whether they are there by choice or by accident, they usually decide that what their doing isn’t seen by God anyway so it no longer matters.  May I encourage you that if you have found yourself entrenched in 2nd best then start obeying right where you are! Start serving in the little things even though they seem hidden. I can assure that God DOES see them and He DOES know!

Truth 2: God still helps YOU!

1 Sam. 11
Now Israel is under attack from the Ammonites and they are in grave danger. And even though Israel had chosen 2nd best God still helped them!

1.     God gives you his presence – 1 Sam. 11:6
Even “Second best Saul” was filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered to do His work.  If you have found yourself on 2nd Best Street, God has NOT left you! He will still fill you!

2.     God gives you his power – 1 Sam. 11:11
This battle could not have been won without the Lord’s power.  2nd best doesn’t equal powerless.  

Please join me again tomorrow for part 2 of "Even if"! 

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