
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Second Best part 6

Thank you for sticking with me to the end, however as I was preparing for this week's Bible study, God led me to the sequel to the "Second Best" series.  I'm hoping to get those up soon, so be on the look out for the series entitled "Even if".
In this final step downward towards second best and away from God's perfect will, we see Saul who has been anointed privately as King and he has been given 3 signs that will come to him as he leaves that will show him that all of this is real.  His final sign is where step 6 to second best is found.

Step six: Change is only temporary
(1 Samuel 10:9-16)
God gave Saul a new heart and gave him the gift of the Holy Spirit even though he was 2nd best.  Before we go any further, let me stop here and point out that God can still use anything to bring Him glory, even if it’s second best.  God still cared for Saul, God still used Saul; it just wasn't what He intended as His best plan for Israel.   This change in Saul was only temporary because when he got home, he didn’t tell his uncle about everything that had happened, and we have no record of whether he went to meet Samuel like Samuel had asked him (I Sam. 10:8).  
Often when believers head down this path to second best, they experience change but it doesn’t last.  God’s best for us, God’s first choice for His people is a heart that is forever changed by presence of the Almighty God.  Who was God’s best choice for Israel? David. What is he called in Scriptures? A man after God’s own heart.  David had a life that was truly changed by God.  His change wasn't temporary, it was lasting!
We can look at these 6 steps and that walk downward towards 2nd best, and we can trust that the opposite to these steps would also be true and we can climb back upward towards His perfect will for our lives.

Step 6: The living God can change us and it allows that change to stick.

Step 5: We can walk by faith and drive out fear with God’s Word.

Step 4: We can be real and genuine to others and to ourselves.  Transparency and keeping a short list of wrongs is vital.

Step 3: We can nourish a relationship with the living God and look not on the appearance of men.

Step 2: We can be faithful in church attendance, to Bible study both at alone and in our groups, and we can seek and listen to those that are our mentors.

Step 1: Finally, we can keep our eyes on Jesus alone no matter the circumstances that pull at our gaze.

In closing let us consider these truths evident in this passage.
Even though Israel chose 2nd best:
1.     God was still present.
2.     God still heard them.
3.     God still loved them.
4.     God still used them.
5.     God still ultimately called them back to His first choice, back to His best.  

May God give us strength to climb back up to His best! 

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