
Sunday, September 18, 2011

The God of the Trial

I really enjoy a fresh slice of key lime pie, especially on a hot day somewhere at a ocean-view restaurant!  It is so rich in taste and refreshing.  My husband jokes that there are no desserts too "rich" for my tastes, and he is right!  This is how God's Word has been to me, so rich and so refreshing!  I have found myself anticipating my few minutes of each day where I can study His Word.  My reading today happened to take me to the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness with God's people.  Exodus 16:4-17 tells us the story of the food God provided for His people.  God sent them just enough for each day.  God sent it to them miraculously.  God consistently sent them food.  I was struck as I read and studied how God sends us spiritual food every day in His Word and it is consistent, supernatural, and sufficient!  Just as the Israelites went out each day and gathered the manna, so we must go into the Scriptures each day to study!  How nourishing His precious Words become to our weary soul.  Lately I have been "climbing mountains", bearing burdens, and "facing giants" and in this "wilderness" I have seen God more clearly than ever.  I have even come to the point where I am so thankful for my trials because of the sweet fellowship it offers with my Savior.  I have no idea what burden you bare as you are reading this, or what giant you face, but know that in your trial you are positioned in very unique place; a place to experience God on a deeper level.  Count this trial as a gift; the gift of rich spiritual nourishment and refreshment! Don't waste this time! Just like I would never waste a cool creamy piece of key lime pie, don't waste a perfectly good trial by focusing on the trial and not on the God of the trial!

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