
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Little Excuses.....Big God

God called to Moses from a burning bush and told him to go to the Pharaoh to ask Pharaoh to release God's people.  Now if we think this was an easy task then we are wrong.  You see Moses had grown up in the palace with this Pharaoh.  He had known him as a child and had probably spent time with him.  So Moses was going to have to approach a "family member" with this command from God.  Now maybe you can see why this task was so frightening for Moses.  Also, Pharaoh was the leader of the most powerful empire of that time and Moses was going to ask him to set free all of their "free labor".  I explain all of this to help us understand that this was a huge task for Moses! This was a mountain he was facing and was fearful to climb it.  Moses basically argues with God and makes excuses for why he cannot do this.  In Exodus 4:10 Moses pleads with God claiming that he cannot speak eloquently and therefore cannot go.  I absolutely LOVE how God responds to him in Exodus 4:11-12!  Who made the mouth? God asks Moses.  And then He tells Moses that HE will be with him the whole way.  I don't know about you but God always seems to call me to a task or a job or a ministry that I feel like I can't do and I start in with the excuses.  But isn't that EXACTLY where God wants us to be? Rid of ourselves, weak in our own strength so that His glory can be shown.  After all He created the mouth, the eyes, the ears, the hands, every part of us and He can use us if we are empty of ourselves!  What is God calling you to do? If it is Him that is calling, I can guarantee it won't be easy.  Don't make excuses with God just let Him lead and the things that will happen will blow your mind.  How exciting it will be to see the big things that God will do!

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