
Friday, December 30, 2011

Resolutions and Revelations

It's that time again!  Time for us to decide what our yearly resolution or resolutions will be.  Some will decide to give up something.  Many will join a gym.  Sadly, most resolutions will only last till February or March.  I will be the first to confess to making a resolution on Jan. 1 only to break it on Jan. 2.  Most of the resolutions we make every year are self-focused and self-pleasing.  Many of them have nothing to do with seeking God first.  What if this year we all resolved to pray more, or to spend more time studying God's Word, or to get plugged in and serve in church?  What if our resolutions this year was focused on building God's Kingdom and not our Kingdom?  I challenge myself as well as anyone reading this to resolve this year to making an impact for eternity.  (James 4:14)

That being said, I would like to offer another thought.  Many of you know I am so fascinated with the life of Samuel.  He began serving in the temple at a very very young age (possibly as young as 3).  He spent his whole life in service to his Lord.  His life was in stark contrast to the two boys (Hophni and Phineas) who were supposed to inherit the priesthood but instead they repeatedly and blatantly disobeyed God.  God eventually took the lives of those two boys because of their sin and He put His hand of blessing on Samuel in their place.  Samuel, as a young boy was audibly called by God, Himself.  This young 10 or 12 year old boy heard the awesome voice of God in time when "the Word of the Lord was very rare"! 

Have you ever been standing in front of something so obvious yet you don't see it? Well that is how I have been this week.  I kept looking at this boy Samuel and what God did through him and it struck me, like a puzzle finally fitting together, that many if not most of the great leaders and great people of faith mentioned in Scripture,  were first introduced to us in their childhood or adolescence!!!!! What profoundly simple fact that I stood in front of, like a giant puzzle on a wall, was that people who minister with and to children have HUGE significance and INFLUENCE for God's Kingdom.  What if Hannah, Samuel's mother, had said, "no Lord, I'm to busy to train little Samuel?" Oh the impact Samuel's teacher, trainer, molder, had on Israel and for that matter on HISTORY!

Let me leave you with that this thought? Maybe it's your turn to impact God's Kingdom in a tangible way by serving in a children's ministry or in a nursery?  I know those that know me are thinking "well this is an obvious post from a children's director" :), but I don't think it's just because of my bias! I think it's God's pattern! Consider this? Could your resolution this year be to step in and influence the life of a child by serving in your church's children's ministry?  And if you already serve in that capacity, be encouraged because you are touching eternity! 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Gift We Want or the Gift We Need?

Each year on this day we celebrate by giving gifts to our children and to our loved ones.  We spend time picking out the right gift and wrapping it carefully so that special person will love our gift.  If we were honest we would admit that not every gift we gave was as loved as we had hoped and some will even be exchanged.  In the same way we are all given "gifts" throughout ALL of the year.  Only these "gifts" are not tangible or material.  Instead these "gifts" are often experiences, trials, tests, or blessings and they come from the Lord.  Sadly, many Christians choose to not even open these "gifts" because at first sight they aren't attractive.  There are no pretty bows or shiny paper.  These gifts are plain or sometimes even ugly to look at.  Because God's gifts don't seem attractive, we choose to open the "gifts" from the World that at first glance look shiny and pretty.  Unfortunately the world's gifts ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS are empty and lead to destruction. 

There are two women in Scripture that were given incredibly difficult and incredibly wonderful gifts from the Lord.  Both offered a song of praise and prayer to God after receiving their gift.  Hannah and Mary both offered God a beautiful song of praise as a result of their gifts.  It is interesting that both of these songs (Hannah in 1 Sam. 2:1-10 and Mary in Luke 1:46-56) are very similar.  Mary must have known the OT Scriptures very well. 

After they each open their song in praise, there are 3 distinct parts that is common in both of their songs.  First, they Experienced God (Luke 1:48 and 1 Sam. 2:1)  Mary truly experienced God because she gave birth to him and Hannah experienced the hand of God through the gift of Samuel.  Secondly they both Recognized God (Luke 1:49-54 and 1 Sam. 2:2-9).  They both saw God for who He was and they recognized that He is the ALMIGHTY.  They recognized that He helps the 1. Humble, the 2. Hungry, and the 3. Helpless.  I think those 3 categories just about cover us all!! Finally they Remembered God's Promises (Luke 1:55 and 1 Sam. 2:10).  They both remembered what God had done for them and Hannah even prophesied of the of the coming Messiah!  These 3 things were the result of the gift they received from God!  What if they had said NO?! What if Mary had told the angel that this gift was too frightening for her and she didn't want it?! What if Hannah had not done the difficult thing with her gift, Samuel, and kept him instead of giving him to the Lord?! 

Had Hannah and Mary not received their "gifts" from the Lord, they would have missed their EXPERIENCE WITH GOD, they would never have RECOGNIZED GOD for who He is, and they would have never been REMINDED OF GOD'S PROMISES!!!!!! 

What gift is God trying to give you? Is it the gift of a trial, or an illness, or a blessing, or even an experience? Don't reject His gift because it may not be the most attractive!!! Accept it with open arms and surrender to His plan even if is difficult.  If you choose the sparkling gift all wrapped up by the world, you will find it's pretty on the outside but it will leave you with nothing but emptiness.  If you choose the gift God is giving you, you will find that you EXPERIENCE GOD, RECOGNIZE GOD , and you are REMINDED OF HIS PROMISES.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Prepared for Battle?

For years I have been fascinated with the life of Samuel.  It always intrigued me how God shows such contrast between the boy Samuel and Eli's two sons, Hophni and Phineas.  Hophni and Phineas were set to inherit the priesthood but they lived very wicked lives and they chose to deliberately disobey God.  So God had to "raise up a faithful priest" in a young boy named Samuel. This lays the foundation for the story at hand.  The Israelites continually faced the Philistine army. This army was their "giant".  In fact many of the Philistines were actual giants.  God's people faced them again and again throughout Scriptures and many times we see them scared to death to face them.  In 1 Sam. 4:1-10, Israel goes to war with the Philistines and are defeated and they lose 4,000 men in the battle.  When they return they are upset and discouraged and so, under the leader ship of Hophni and Phineas, they decide to take the Ark of the Covenant out of it's Holy place and into their battle in order to "insure" their win against the Philistines.  However, we see that instead of a great victory, they lose terribly and 30,000 men are killed including Hophi and Phineas.

Why did this happen? Why would God's people lose a battle especially when they had the Ark with them?  First of all, they put their trust in holy objects instead of a Holy God!  The Ark of the Covenant was an amazing, beautiful symbol of God, but it WAS NOT GOD!  They didn't need the help of "objects" or "things", they needed the help of the Living God! Secondly, they moved in haste and in their own strength instead of seeking God and asking Him to fight for them.  I find myself standing in the "Israelite line" so many times.  I see their choices and realize that I often make the same ones.  How many times do we as Christians, put our trust in symbols and things? We lean on everything and everyone else but God, Himself.  The problem is, people and things will ALWAYS fail us but God never fails!  Facing our battles while trusting in symbols and objects is like fighting with a gun with no bullets.  We will never advance.  We will never see victory.  Maybe God has NOT done BIG things in your life because you haven't completely relied on Him for the strength?

The next time the Israelites meet with the Philistines, 1Sam. 7:3-13, we find them in a completely different position.  Samuel had gathered the people together to confess their sins, then fast and pray.  While they were meeting the Philistines mobilized to attack them, but God fought for them and the army was defeated.  This time instead of trusting in symbols, they trusted in the Almighty God.  They stood clean before Him, with their hearts humbled, and sought His strength.  Three simple things that I'm sure we'd never find in a military handbook, but 3 simple things that brought them victory against their giants.  

I don't know what you face.  But I do know it's "giant" to you.  Remember as you battle to carry your 3 most valuable weapons: A clean heart before God, humility that realizes your need, trust in the Almighty God to fight your battle!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Transparent and Unedited: Truths about the Journey

If you read my blogs, you are basically reading what's on my heart.  You are reading the simple things God is teaching me in my personal Bible study.  They aren't revelatory or eloquent, mostly they are just ordinary things shown to an ordinary mom from an EXTRAORDINARY God.  Lately I've been struggling with whether or not to share what's on my heart.  I have decided to share it so that it may help others even though it is so very honest and transparent.  I've been a pastor's daughter or a pastor's wife my whole life and by just having those titles or just by leading in ministry, people assume I don't struggle spiritually.  Ministry doesn't necessarily make spiritual growth easy.

So I find myself in a place that is often more difficult than even a trial.  For about 2 weeks now, I have not had an "aha" moment when studying Scriptures.  I have not had any emotional stirring or felt really moved spiritually.  I guess it's what you call a "season of dryness".  I daily read and study God's Word with anticipation to hear from Him, but all has been quiet for a short time.  I tell you this because I KNOW that many of you have been in this same place and maybe you are there now.  It's a crossroads or a turning point where we all come to and we have a decision to make.  Keep spending time in fellowship with God through study and prayer or simply walk away and be done with it?

This reminds me of a passage in Scripture. (Numbers 9:16-23)  The Israelites who had been rescued by God from slavery now journeyed to the Promised land.  Here was the catch though, they could only move when God moved and they waited when He was still.  I LOVE Numbers 9:19!!!!! "Even when the cloud continued long, many days above the tabernacle, the children of Israel kept the charge of the LORD and did not journey."  I wonder if during those "many days" if they felt like quitting or going back to Egypt.  With further study, we see many times the Israelites didn't like their situation and they often complained that they would rather be slaves than be in their current position.  You see, how ridiculous it was for them ever want to give up? If they could hold out God was going to bring them to a place more wonderful than they could ever imagine!

So the application to this passage is that when I find myself, or you find yourself in a place of quiet or a place where the "cloud continues long" it is NOT a time to throw in the towel.  Keep spending time with the Savior, keep studying, keep praying and God will bring you too that sweet place of refreshment and renewal!  I liken it to my marriage relationship.  My husband, Jeremy, and I have banner days and battling days, but I would NEVER walk away from him on a battling day because I know that a banner day is around the corner!  After all Jesus Christ gave His life for me, what does he owe ME?! Nothing, I owe Him everything, even when it isn't easy! Let me encourage you to keep on keeping on!


Saturday, November 12, 2011


This week I had some surgery that has caused me to "rest".  People that know me know that I hate to "rest"! I thrive on being busy and going going going! But it has been good to slow down and let my body heal.  I was reading in Joshua today and the word "rest" stood out to me in Joshua 1:13-15.  The Israelites had spent 40+ years wandering and battling.  They had finally reached their Promised Land and here God has promised them REST!  Our culture revolves around being busy.  Has there ever been a time in our modern history that we could be vacationing on the beach and still check our work e-mail or get a text from our Facebook account?  We are connected at every point, in every pocket, in both hands, and we are always busy! When we get away, we are never really "away".  God planned for his people to REST.  He even rested Himself (Gen. 2:2) even though we know the God does not get "tired".  If God commands us to rest on the Sabbath, then rest becomes essential to worship.  I'm not advocating we vacation excessively but I do think every believer should make rest a part of their week.  Don't feel guilty for resting, even God Himself rested!  Use the time to worship, meditate, and recharge.    

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

God's Recipe for Godly Children

I like using a recipe because I know if I follow the steps that my food will turn out right.  When it comes to parenting, we as parents seek "recipes" to ensure our children will turn out to be wonderful, loving, godly people.  Unfortunately, we often leave it to chance or we hope that they will turn out right.  What if we knew of an actual recipe to turn out godly children? Would we follow it? Such a plan does exist and I didn't write it nor did any other person.  This plan is found in Scripture, the very plan of God Himself.  Let's examine this plan found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9.

The first ingredient is found in v. 5. We as parents are the key ingredient! We are instructed to be fully committed to the Lord.  You see we often tell our children that they should be living their life for Christ, when we do not do it ourselves.  They need to see wholehearted, genuine commitment to the Lord.  This means we keep our eyes solely on Christ.  This is difficult because we typically serve the Lord through a local church which is filled with imperfect people and when those imperfect people offend us we turn our backs on service altogether.  Our service to people is really for the Lord and we need to keep our focus on Him.   We need to show our children that Christ and His Kingdom has first priority in our lives.

The second ingredient is found in vv. 7-9.  We are to keep the Lord and His Word always before our children.  It says when they are at home, away from home, going to bed, and getting up.  We are to even write His Words on the walls of our house and tie them to the children's hands.  The key here is to put the Lord in every part of their lives!  A true disciple is made when they stop compartmentalizing their life.  We need to teach our children that Jesus permeates every part of our lives and He is NOT just reserved for church and Sunday school.

When we make Christ real in our lives and we stop playing games, then our children see that and want a part of it!  Children who see hypocritical parents grow up to want NOTHING to do with Christianity.  Two ingredients that seem simple yet they are so significant.  Let's stop offering our children as sacrifices on the altar of the world's agenda.  

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Our church is currently hosting our annual missions celebration.  Last Sunday, I heard someone ask what giving to missions through "Faith Giving" has meant to me.  My first thought was that it didn't matter what it meant to me or to our family, we give simply out of obedience.  Why should it "mean something to me"?  God is not a department store! We do not give to the Lord in order to get something! We give because this money we have is His to begin with! He has blessed us with a job and a paycheck and He can take that away at any time. 

After that initial thought, a passage of Scripture began to come to my mind: Haggai 1:3-11.  At that time the Israelites cared more about their own houses and their own comfort than the Lord's house. The Phrase used in the NKJV says that they "dwell in their paneled houses" while God's house lies in ruins.  I guess that really hit me where it hurt.  I sit and look at all the "panels" in my house and then think of all the missionaries serving so faithfully who sacrifice so much to reach the lost.  I recently had the privilidge of seeing into the heart of a dear missionary wife and mother. Her words have rung in my heart day after day.  We asked her what she would want children in America to know about their lives as missionaries.  This is a portion of her response.

"I guess the most important thing that kids can know about overseas missions is sacrifice. Many American kids know nothing of that word. I being one formally, know that life was pretty easy there in the US. We are brought up with a feeling of entitlement to the finest things in life and instant gratification. We are taught that waiting is wrong.. that is why we have microwaves and drive thru windows, etc.
When a person is thrown in the middle of a 3rd world country, it is an incredible sacrifice. Of course of material things, there is no more instant satisfaction. Things here take LONG. Even wanting a certain food is no longer a simple trip to Wal-Mart, but now I have to wait 6 months for a shipment box to come. Modern conveniences are a world away.
Then, of course there is the sacrifice of family and normalcy. Everyone and everything you once knew and loved and held as normal is gone. Every word that once flowed from your lips is now transformed into another language, which requires deep thought before you speak.
I am not complaining, because I love this life and through time have not only adjusted to the life here, but have embraced it and became part of it. But, it's still incredible hard at times, because my American brain is still in tact and the daily sacrifices do take their toll on me. The people think different, act different and the work load is incredible...this is in the middle of tropical heat. It wears you down physically, emotionally and mentally.
I would love for American kids to be taught about the meaning of sacrifice, because it really isn't a normal part of life there. Sadly, even in some churches...people even serve the Lord conveniently, as it fits into THEIR schedule. Americans are taught to never be uncomfortable. So, it would be nice to have those kids learning a whole different way of life which is a daily sacrifice.
It would be a huge blessing to have a group praying specifically, for not just the financial needs ( which most people pray for) but the daily problems that arise which attack us more than the budget we missionaries are on. Ask them and teach them to pray for our minds as well as our bodies as we have to overcome daily the struggles of being far away.  I would cherish every little prayer they offered that would help our family's emotional, mental and spiritual well being.
I appreciate you wanting to do this. I wish more kid's groups would. I want them to not have a feeling of pity on missionaries because we are "poor" and work with brown skinned people in huts, etc. I want them to see that we have a high calling, but we need their prayers because everyday, Satan wants to discourage us and make us give up."

After reading this, I am moved to do something and since right now God has not called me to leave the US, I can GIVE through Faith Giving to further the Gospel! I don't ever want to be "comfortable" in my "paneled" house while God's house needs to be built!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Backpack of Burdens!!!!!

Galatians 6:2 and Matthew 11:28
Occasionally our family enjoys hiking.  Back in the spring we would go with our two kids on some easy trails and catch bugs and enjoy nature.  We would often use my phone to calculate how many calories we had burned on our hike so we could have a piece of cake later:) Several times, my husband Jeremy, would carry our 2 year old on his back in a special hiking backpack.  Whenever Jeremy hiked with that pack on his back, he would have burned considerably more calories than I had.  I almost wanted to carry the extra weight so that my hike would be more effective towards my exercise goal. 

As a pastor's wife, mother, ministry leader and friend, I cross paths with so many burdened and hurting people.  Let's face it, our world is NOT getting better!  Today, I especially feel extra burdened with friends who are hurting, people who are making wrong choices, with an enormous task list, and the list goes on.  With this heavy weight on me, I kept asking God the same question, "how can these burdens be blessings?"  As I was cleaning a toilet at the church today (I do my best talking with God while I clean), I remembered our hiking trips and how much stronger and healthier Jeremy was becoming because he carried extra weight.  Sure it was hard while he did it and it was heavy and uncomfortable on the journey, but at the end he had used more muscles and had built much more stamina than I had!  Why can't our burdens be blessings!!!!????? They cause us to exercise the "muscles" of our faith and they build our stamina in our Christian walk.  They also give us better insight to others who are hurting so that we can love and help them in their time of burden.  Next time you feel heavy with your burdens or the burdens of others, imagine yourself on this "Christian hike" we call life and you are just getting "fit" much faster than everyone else!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Be Encouraged and Keep Perspective!

When I was a little girl I remember one Fall evening when Dad was absent as mom, my brother and I carved our annual pumpkins.  As I began to complain about Dad being gone, mom reminded me that I needed to be thankful that my Dad was actually coming home later that night.  You see, he was with a family who had just lost their Dad and the children were about our age......perspective.

I have battled some difficulties with my eyes over the last 7 years and a few times during those years they have been a source of depression for me. One such time was a number of years ago when they were particularly bad and my vision was altered until they got better.  I remember feeling depressed and sorry for myself when the Lord brought to mind a dear mother and wife who was dying from a terrible disease.  I remember being struck with the thought of how she would probably give anything to trade me "problems" just to have more years with her family.......perspective.

Currently, I find myself complaining about my husband's dirty socks, or my loads of housework, when I am reminded of my dear friend whose husband is living with terminal cancer.......perspective.

I think many times we all get so focused on our own problems that we forget about others who suffer and many who suffer much greater trials.  My grandmother used to tell me that when I felt discouraged, I should do something kind for someone else in need.  She was very wise! She was helping me get my eyes of myself and every time I tried it, it worked!  We are never alone in our suffering.  There are so many others who experience the same trials and even some who suffer greater trials than we do.  2 Corinthians 4:8-10  Even if no one can identify with our trials then we know that Jesus Christ still can!  Be encouraged and keep perspective!!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The God of the Trial

I really enjoy a fresh slice of key lime pie, especially on a hot day somewhere at a ocean-view restaurant!  It is so rich in taste and refreshing.  My husband jokes that there are no desserts too "rich" for my tastes, and he is right!  This is how God's Word has been to me, so rich and so refreshing!  I have found myself anticipating my few minutes of each day where I can study His Word.  My reading today happened to take me to the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness with God's people.  Exodus 16:4-17 tells us the story of the food God provided for His people.  God sent them just enough for each day.  God sent it to them miraculously.  God consistently sent them food.  I was struck as I read and studied how God sends us spiritual food every day in His Word and it is consistent, supernatural, and sufficient!  Just as the Israelites went out each day and gathered the manna, so we must go into the Scriptures each day to study!  How nourishing His precious Words become to our weary soul.  Lately I have been "climbing mountains", bearing burdens, and "facing giants" and in this "wilderness" I have seen God more clearly than ever.  I have even come to the point where I am so thankful for my trials because of the sweet fellowship it offers with my Savior.  I have no idea what burden you bare as you are reading this, or what giant you face, but know that in your trial you are positioned in very unique place; a place to experience God on a deeper level.  Count this trial as a gift; the gift of rich spiritual nourishment and refreshment! Don't waste this time! Just like I would never waste a cool creamy piece of key lime pie, don't waste a perfectly good trial by focusing on the trial and not on the God of the trial!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Little Excuses.....Big God

God called to Moses from a burning bush and told him to go to the Pharaoh to ask Pharaoh to release God's people.  Now if we think this was an easy task then we are wrong.  You see Moses had grown up in the palace with this Pharaoh.  He had known him as a child and had probably spent time with him.  So Moses was going to have to approach a "family member" with this command from God.  Now maybe you can see why this task was so frightening for Moses.  Also, Pharaoh was the leader of the most powerful empire of that time and Moses was going to ask him to set free all of their "free labor".  I explain all of this to help us understand that this was a huge task for Moses! This was a mountain he was facing and was fearful to climb it.  Moses basically argues with God and makes excuses for why he cannot do this.  In Exodus 4:10 Moses pleads with God claiming that he cannot speak eloquently and therefore cannot go.  I absolutely LOVE how God responds to him in Exodus 4:11-12!  Who made the mouth? God asks Moses.  And then He tells Moses that HE will be with him the whole way.  I don't know about you but God always seems to call me to a task or a job or a ministry that I feel like I can't do and I start in with the excuses.  But isn't that EXACTLY where God wants us to be? Rid of ourselves, weak in our own strength so that His glory can be shown.  After all He created the mouth, the eyes, the ears, the hands, every part of us and He can use us if we are empty of ourselves!  What is God calling you to do? If it is Him that is calling, I can guarantee it won't be easy.  Don't make excuses with God just let Him lead and the things that will happen will blow your mind.  How exciting it will be to see the big things that God will do!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Sometimes we feel like we spend our whole lives waiting! We wait to finally be a teenager.  We wait to get our driver's license.  We wait to graduate high school.  We wait to get out of college.  We wait to get married.  We wait to have a family.  We wait, we wait, we wait!  I think we often are guilty of living only for the "big events" in life and we miss the day to day.  Joseph in Gen. 40:23-41:1 had to spend 2 years waiting for what he had been promised by the cup-bearer and those 2 years of waiting were spent in PRISON!  I know I often think that my "waiting" is difficult but I can't imagine having to spend those days in a prison.  I wonder in those two years if Joseph got angry, discouraged, or depressed? The Bible doesn't give us Joseph's thoughts or actions during that 2 years, it only gives us 1 verse stating that he waited 2 years.  However, Scripture does give us one small insight into Joseph's character during this waiting period.  In Gen. 41:14-16 when Joseph is finally called up to the Pharaoh's presence to interpret the dreams, Joseph gives all the power and credit to the LORD! Joseph makes sure that Pharaoh knows that the interpretation of these dreams did NOT come from him but from God, the same God that had made Joseph wait in a dark lonely prison for 2 years.  Oh the character that Joseph had.  There is no doubt in my mind that while Joseph was waiting for God to deliver him, he was spending time in fellowship with God and was trusting God to bring him through.  What are you waiting for?  What is it that you are praying for God to deliver you from?  What's next on that life list of events that you have to wait for?  Be encouraged! While you are waiting remember God has big plans for you!  Be faithful to Him in the waiting and give Him the glory when it's over! In chapter 39 of Genesis "God was with Joseph" is used 8 times.  The same God that was with Joseph is the same God that is with you!

Monday, August 29, 2011

What's on top of that mountain?

Overwhelmed with what lies ahead, we often retreat, quit or move forward in our OWN strength.  Faith is a difficult thing because it means that you have to go against what might come naturally or you might have to step into uncharted waters.  Movement towards faith can be scarey, especially for people like me who are "planners"! This is where I have found myself, faced with a decision to step out in faith or stay comfortable with where we are.  God has been burdening me about a ministry in our church that reaches out to children with special needs.  So few churches have ministries like this.  If we believe what Scripture says, then we need to obey Mark 9:37.  The first argument that we all battle with is: "how can we begin a ministry that needs so many workers, when we are sometimes short staffed in the other areas of children's ministry?"  Here is where the FAITH comes in! If God calls, then He will provide.  AMAZINGLY the very day that I wrestled with letting go of these "fears" I turned to my study and it was in Genesis 22:1-15!  God told Abraham to take his only son Isaac up to the mountain and offer him as a sacrifice.  Yes, you heard that right! God told Abraham to KILL his only son! Wow! Abraham started up that mountain in faith that "God would provide a lamb" v. 8.  He followed up that path without knowing how God would provide but knowing that He would! So in faith our children's ministry steps out.  We don't know exactly what God is going to do on that mountain.  We just know that it is our job to climb and see what He has in store.  Have you ever taken any steps of faith? Real faith? Steps that are scarey but can only be ordered by the Lord?  There are things that God gives, that God shows, that God does on the top of the mountain but so many are too fearful to take the journey! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Return to Eden

This 10 week class is meant for marriage enrichment.  My husband Jeremy and I are burdened for families and marriages!  We have found common struggles and common areas of neglect in marriages today.  In this class we explore what the Bible has to say about our marriages and how we can make the most of the marriage God gave us.  This class is for everyone! From those who are soon to be married to those who have been married many many years! We never stop growing and we never stop learning.  Even as we teach this class, we grow and learn each session.  This class is on Wed. nights at 7pm at Lewis Memorial Baptist church.  For more details contact me at r.shaffer@lmbc.or or my husband Jeremy at

Monday, August 22, 2011


Do you stay exhausted? Do you ever feel like the leader of a country (i.e. your life/home) who has many borders? You run as fast and as hard as you can to solve a problem or handle a situation on the North border when suddenly you hear word from a messenger (usually one of your kids) that there is a crisis on the South border.  You spend all day everyday running to repair, clean-up, tighten-up, and protect your borders when you really just want to go to the capitol city and take a nap!  
Matthew 11:28-30 is a famous passage that we often hear or read but never apply!  2 oxen are connected by a yoke then hitched to the plow.  Jesus compels those who are weary to come and be "yoked" with HIM.  His yoke is lighter than the yoke of this world.  Often we choose to go at it all alone and so technically we are pulling the whole plow by ourselves! We need to be "connected" to our Savior who will give us rest.  I have found that in the midst of my greatest burdens, I find peace and rest when I am reading my Bible or spending time in prayer.  It's like pressing the "refresh" button on my day.  Most busy, burdened people think they don't have time to stop and spend time with the Lord but in fact they don't have time NOT too!  Try it! Try resting in the presence of the Savior! I guarantee the first time God speaks to you from His Word, you will be charged up like the energizer bunny!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Putting Words in God's Mouth

Genesis 3: 1-6
"The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LORD God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?” 
“Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied. “It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’ ” “You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman.  “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”
The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too."

For months now I have been deeply entrenched into Genesis chapters 1-11 as I worked on a curriculum for our children's ministry entitled "The BIG Truth".  These narratives are so familiar to me and to so many of us that we often skim it or only read the highlights.  It becomes like proofreading your own work, you miss the little things! 

There is one phrase found in this passage that may often be overlooked that is small and probably very insignificant but it has perplexed me greatly! In Gen. 3:3 when Eve was speaking to the serpent about the fruit of the tree that they were not to eat, she added 4 small words to the command God had given her, "You must not eat it OR EVEN TOUCH IT; if you do, you will die."  Why did she say that? Why did she add to the words of God?  Why did she exaggerate? God never told them they couldn't touch the tree.  Did she think the command from God needed "something else" to make it seem more emphatic?
In studying personalities, I have learned that some people are bent towards exaggeration.  I include myself in that category :) I guess that I wonder about Eve because I would have probably done the same thing.  In studying this passage I have come to two conclusions. 
First, this shows the place of her heart.  Before Satan ever came to her with temptation, she was already unsure of what God had said.  Or maybe she had chosen not to listen to His Word.  Had she been firm and steadfast in her decision to obey God's command she probably would have not added to God's Words.
Secondly, this simple phrase shows her desire to be in control.  For us control freaks who like to plan and prepare for everything it's hard to just listen and let God be God. 
I believe that from this simple phrase we can take away 2 things.  First, we need to keep our hearts in check and lined up with God's Words.  Second, we also need to let God be God and not try to add to or take away from who He is.  He is in control of our lives whether that fits into our plan or not!  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Not I, Just Him!

Welcome to my first blog!  This blog is entitled "Not I, Just Him" because that is what I plan on using this blog for; to point people to Jesus Christ! I am really just a nobody but because I know Jesus as my personal Savior that makes me a somebody.  It has been said that the human body, when dehydrated down to only its elements, would only be worth about 3 dollars.  What makes us valuable is that fact that we are made in the image of God. 

This blog is simply a way for me to share things that God has shown me and is still showing me through His Word and through His service.  What a wonderful thing it is to be a child of the king!